5 Reasons to Add Plants to Your Business Budget

When considering the physical appearance of the building that houses your company, there are many different ways to create a professional image for your clients and a productive environment for your employees. While clear branding and sleek furniture may be essential, companies should never overlook one of the best ways to enhance their image – plant leasing. When you add plants to your interior and exterior areas, you can beautifully communicate company values such as professionalism, sustainability, attention to detail, and even health and wellness. If you think that these claims are a bit exaggerated, read on. We think you will soon agree that adding plants is one of the best budget decisions you can make.

best plant leasing company near me

Greet everyone with a fantastic first impression: As the saying goes, you never get a second chance at a first impression. Whether recruiting quality employees or wooing new partnerships, you significantly upgrade that impression when you add plants. People quickly notice the condition and upkeep of the building. Just imagine the difference between being greeted with lush exterior landscaping showcasing vibrant, tropical plants – or a brown, dull expanse of mulch and scraggly bushes. The same goes for a sterile lobby or one arrayed with exotic orchids, or a boring front desk versus one with a stunning living wall backdrop. You grab the attention of all the right people when you add plants, flowers, and trees to your building and campus.

Become irresistible to new customers: Everyone intuitively understands that peace and serenity surround them when they are out in nature. Similarly, people are more apt to do business with a company that takes pride in its appearance and makes them feel calm and comfortable. This is often a subconscious thought process, but people are more likely to frequent an establishment that is beautiful and well-maintained. Perhaps they are considering which restaurant to walk into or which building to rent their offices in – whatever their choice, green plants make that selection a little easier. Just like providing a striking first impression, quality plants and trees can help secure new customers.

Enhance your organization’s image: If you’re seeking an easy and affordable way to enhance your company image, consider investing in commercial plant leasing. Maintaining a building full of living green plants and natural artistic accents (with the help of a reputable plant leasing professional) will help improve your image by expressing that you truly value the people who work there. Your current clientele will experience a well-maintained, stylish interior and know that you take pride in the way your company is presented.

Increase productivity and morale: Interior and exterior plant-scaping in a corporate environment can easily be considered an employee benefit. Imagine your employees having to take their breaks in a dull, sterile break room with vending machines and plastic chairs. Now contrast that scene with employees enjoying their lunch in a sun-filled atrium with live palm trees, orchids, and fountains. Not only will your employees and guests appreciate having a beautiful place to relax during the day, but plants have been proven to encourage calm, clear thinking, and creativity – and even to make the air easier to breathe. Most people prefer to work in a beautiful, natural environment. When you add plants, you are contributing to employee morale and retention.

Show Commitment to Sustainability: Finally, when you add plants into your business environment, you do your part to encourage sustainability. When you choose to cultivate Florida native plants around the entrance to your building or create an open-air atrium for butterflies and bees, you help the environment. Plants help to purify and clean the air – and the more we all embrace plants as a part of our surroundings, the more we create a greener and healthier environment for us all.

Tropex is a professional plant leasing company serving the greater Sarasota/Manatee region and beyond. We provide beautiful living plants to corporate offices, restaurants, hotels, airports, and professional buildings, as well as temporary installations for trade shows, events, and parties. Every environment can benefit from the addition of living plants – we ensure that those plants are healthy, well-maintained, and beautiful. Call today to learn more.

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