We encounter plants everyday. When we wander through a quiet park, or hike into the woods, the diversity and beauty of plant life is easily discerned. But every plant – even those that line the sidewalks, beuatify the shopping malls and hotels and transform our homes – has an important role to play in every aspect of our existence. Plants are critical to how the world functions, and so today we are here to celebrate the amazing benefits of botany in our everyday life.
Food: The sun is the source of all energy on earth. When we consume plants as food, we benefit from the energy stored in their cellular structure. Humans is ancient times foraged plants for their food, then developed agricultural strategies to facilitate plant growth and an easier way of life. Approximately 7,000 diverse plant species have been cultivated for humans to eat, but it all began with wheat and corn. Although humans also eat a lot of animal products, even these are just one step from botany since cows, pigs and chickens consume plants throughout their lives.
Water: Water is essential to life on earth, and plants contribute by distributing and purifying our water supply. Through transpiration, plants transport water from the soil via their roots and ultimately release it out into the atmosphere. Moisture becomes the clouds and rain the revitalize the earth, and the cycle begins again.
Air: The air we breath is made up of 78% nitrogen and 21% oxygen. It is the oxygen component that is essential for our cells to make energy. The sun’s rays are absorbed by the plants, which utilize that sunlight to produce energy and release oxygen. Humans breathe that oxygen in order to survive, and subsequently exhale the carbon dioxides plants need. Everytime you take a deep breath of fresh air, you can thank the science of botany!
Medicine: Many pharmaceutical medicines are derived from plant extracts or plant compounds. For instance, aspirin began as willow bark, and the mentha in mint leaves is used to make muscle creams. lozenges and nasal medicine. About 65% – 80% of the global population implement holistic plant-based medicine as their main healthcare option.
Wellness: The rollout of the LEED and WELL Building Standard proves that society is beginning to understand the value of integrating nature (biophilia) into our man-made buildings and structures. Positively impacting psychological and physical health, plants enhance health, mindfulness happiness and productivity – and incorporating living green plants into a home or business cleans the air, moderates the humidity and reduces stress levels.
Habitats: Botany is at the center of planet’s diverse landscape of countless unique habitats. Flowers, grasses, trees function as the breathing apparatus for the earth, enabling life wherever they are.
Climate: Climate change is often blamed on too much carbon being released into the environment – but the stories rarely explain that plants store carbon by extracting it out of the surrounding air. When we burn fossil fuels, we produce high levels of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, but the plants absorb, process and mitigate those levels. Planet earth owes the temperate climate and sustainable living conditions to the pervasive green landscape around the world.
The diversity of plants keep the cycle of life moving in virtually every area of our lives. At Tropex, we understand just how important plants are to our health and well-being, as well as how they can enhance productivity, clarity and focus.
If you are looking for a plant leasing company to help you design, install and maintain green plants and living walls at your place of business, call us today.