Attracting Employees Back to the Office

There were many unexpected ramifications arising out of the 2020 pandemic. For instance, businesses across the country are struggling to entice employees back to the workplace. After getting a taste of the remote work experience, these employees simply decided that they preferred a home office to a daily commute. And while more employees are returning each month, companies are still dealing with the challenges of a hybrid workforce. One of the ways they are addressing this issue is by elevating their office environment to make it a more attractive place to spend the day.

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Upgrading a workplace setting for this reason involves more than just a design change – it involves researching tangible ways to create an environment that is conducive to collaboration, creativity, and productivity. The addition of just a few well-curated features can turn your office into a place that employees enjoy coming to every day. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  1. The Power of Color: Very few people realize the meaningful impact that color has on our everyday lives. Infusing an office with the right mix of color can significantly transform the psyche of your team – whether you choose blues and greens for a calming effect in a busy office or bright yellows and oranges to keep energy levels high. But you don’t have to immerse your office in vibrant colors – accent walls, artwork, or unique furniture pieces can have the same effect. Expert Tip: Finding creative ways to incorporate your brand colors into the office space will subtly increase feelings of belonging and ownership and add to camaraderie.
  2. Emphasize Comfort and Ergonomics: There are few things more distracting – or more likely to send your employees flying out the door – than sitting in an uncomfortable chair all day. Investing in high-quality chairs and desks that offer comfort during extended work hours not only allows employees to be more productive but also supports their health and well-being. If you have the budget, ask key employees what they need or prefer – whether it is a standing desk or an easy chair. After all, if they worked at home, they would establish a comfortable place to operate from. The office should offer no less.
  3. Encourage Creativity Through Artwork: Few things are more boring than empty white walls, and in an office environment, they can kill inspiration and creativity. Conversely, walls filled with beautiful, meaningful or inspirational artwork can encourage brainstorming and new ideas. There is no “right way” to decorate your space, but you may wish to consider featuring local artists, ask artistic employees to contribute a piece, or seek out unique and interesting photos or paintings that subtly infuse your branding into the space. Whether galleries of multiple photos or a huge living wall of plants – covering your walls in beauty will help to design a space people love working in.
  4. Illuminate with Layered Lighting: Natural light can turn a sterile office into a vibrant workspace, enhancing mood and minimizing the need for artificial lighting that can produce eye strain and aggravate bad moods. Position employee workspaces to leverage any natural light – and install mirrors to reflect that light into shady or unlit areas. The addition of ambient, task, and accent lighting, wherever appropriate, can create a pleasant and inviting atmosphere that exudes warmth.
  5. Use Green Plants to Support Mental and Physical Health: Plants can infuse life into even the most depressing cubicle, as they are known to both refresh and rejuvenate whatever area they are placed into. Along with adding eye-catching color, many species of plants also improve air quality, making your office a healthier place to work. Snake plants and philodendrons are specifically known for their air-purifying qualities and low maintenance – and studies show that employees far prefer being surrounded by greenery rather than file cabinets and printers. Expert Tip: Give employees a break area or gathering place that is bathed in natural light. Add comfortable chairs, green plants, and a bubbling fountain feature, and watch employee morale soar.

While an attractive office is not enough to entice the best employees, an inspiring interior can make their workday more fulfilling and successful.

Tropex Creates Beautiful, Inspiring Plantscapes

The plant experts at Tropex are committed to installing and maintaining green plants across the greater Sarasota area. We understand the magic and power of green plants to transform an environment – and we are here to help you.

Call today to learn more about our plant leasing programs.

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