Earth Day is the perfect opportunity for us to celebrate the diversity and wonder of plants – as well as their role in supporting the environment in numerous ways. Even as the climate changes, most plants remarkably adapt, growing steadily and rooted in place – never ceasing in their quest to positively contribute to the global ecosystem.

Plants are the most significant producers in the natural environment. Here are just a few reasons why:

Plants Mitigate Soil Erosion: Green plants and trees contribute to natural cooling processes, maintaining soil moisture for extended periods of time. When there are no plants or trees, keeping the soil damp and spreading roots, soil erosion is likely to occur. The ground will absorb heat, grow dry and brittle, and begin to move and shift. Plant roots spread available water throughout the area and keep the ground cool, eventually returning to the earth as fertilizer that can stabilize the health and position of the soil.

Plants Reduce Pollutants and Improve Air Quality: Our increasingly industrial and urban existence is filled with chemical pollutants—in our air and throughout our daily environment. However, studies have shown that wherever green plants are growing and thriving, pollutant levels decrease. The air is cleaner, purer, and easier to breathe. This makes life better in many ways, from improved health outcomes to more focused concentration, productivity, and clarity.

Plants Fight Against Climate Change and Environmental Decline: Many people begin to take plants for granted and never consider the really powerful impact they have on the planet. Earth Day is the perfect opportunity to talk about plants in this important role – they produce and release clean oxygen into the air while removing harmful carbon dioxide. We would all be dead without plants, and that’s why today we are reminded that we should all cultivate plants in some way – whether in our gardens, homes, or places of work. Plants work to establish a better environment for today as well as future generations.

Did You Know? Plants provide a habitat to species we need for a healthy ecosystem, such as bees and butterflies.

Plants Have Healing Qualities: In contemporary society, traditional methods of healthcare are all but lost. But new generations of people are discovering the thousands of plant varieties that can benefit and support holistic health and immunity. Plants play a role in the development and research of new pharmaceutical drugs. Many are utilized in their natural form to treat a wide range of illnesses and maladies – such as aloe-treating sunburn and skin abrasions. While the United States is not as educated on the usage of plants as medicine, many parts of the world rely on plants as a primary source of health and wellness.

Plants Provide Food for the Entire Ecosystem:
It is hard to imagine how we would survive without green plants, which provide us with food. However, they also support the dietary needs of insects, reptiles, birds, fish, and mammals of all sizes. Whether nectar for a honeybee or a carrot for your dinner, plants provide the sustenance virtually every organism requires.

Earth Day is Every Day!

The Tropex team is dedicated to ensuring that the entire Sarasota area has the plants it needs. We know that installing green plants in medical centers, corporate offices, and public spaces provides incredible benefits that go far beyond their beauty—on Earth Day and every day.

If you are interested in speaking to a professional horticulturalist about how plants can transform your environment, call Tropex today! Our plant leasing services include design, installation, and maintenance. You can leave it all to us – then sit back and enjoy the significant advantages of living, green plants.