Florida Outdoor Planters: 10 Plants to Choose

Florida’s climate offers a unique opportunity for business owners and property managers to display a diverse range of plants in outdoor planters. With its warm temperatures and abundant sunshine, the Gulf Coast offers an ideal environment for many species to thrive. Whether you’re looking to enhance your entrance or freshen up your parking lots, here are ten of the best plants for outdoor planters in Florida.

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  1. Bougainvillea: Known for its dazzling display of colorful bracts, bougainvillea thrives in Florida’s warm climate. These vigorous climbers do well in large outdoor planters, where they can cascade over edges or climb up trellises, providing a burst of color in shades of pink, purple, red, or orange.
  2. Hibiscus: A quintessential Florida plant, hibiscus offers large, showy flowers that bloom in a variety of hues, including red, yellow, pink, and white. They are perfect for adding a tropical flair to your outdoor space and thrive in containers with well-draining soil and ample sunlight.
  3. Croton: With its vibrant, multicolored foliage, croton adds a dramatic touch to outdoor planters. The leaves come in shades of red, orange, yellow, and green, making it a striking accent plant for both sunny and partially shaded areas.
  4. Bird of Paradise: This iconic tropical plant features striking orange and blue flowers that resemble a bird in flight. Bird of Paradise plants thrive in outdoor planters as they require bright light to produce their stunning blooms, making them a popular choice for Florida gardens.
  5. Agapanthus: Also known as Lily of the Nile, agapanthus produces clusters of blue or white trumpet-shaped flowers atop tall stalks. These hardy plants do well in containers with well-draining soil and thrive in Florida’s warm climate, blooming profusely during the summer months.
  6. Bromeliads: These exotic plants are characterized by their colorful, rosette-shaped leaves and vibrant flower spikes. Bromeliads are well-suited to container gardening in Florida, where they can be easily moved to protect them from extreme weather conditions.
  7. Lantana: A low-maintenance plant that thrives in hot, sunny conditions, lantana offers clusters of tiny, colorful flowers that attract butterflies and hummingbirds. It’s an excellent choice for adding a splash of color to your outdoor planters throughout the year.
  8. Succulents: Ideal for sunny spots and drought-tolerant, succulents come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors. They thrive in containers filled with well-draining soil and require minimal maintenance, making them perfect for Florida’s climate.
  9. Ferns: Several fern varieties, such as Boston ferns or Kimberly Queen ferns, thrive in Florida’s shade and humidity. They add lush greenery and texture to outdoor planters, making them a popular choice for covered patios or shaded garden areas.
  10. Plumeria: Known for their fragrant, tropical flowers, plumeria plants thrive in warm, sunny conditions. They can be grown in containers and are prized for their beautiful blooms, which come in various colors ranging from white and yellow to pink and red

When planting in outdoor planters in Florida, it’s essential to choose containers that provide adequate drainage and use a high-quality potting mix suited to each plant’s specific needs. Regular watering, especially during hot weather, and occasional feeding with a balanced fertilizer will help your plants thrive and maintain their health and vigor throughout the year. With careful selection and proper care, these plants will enhance the beauty of your outdoor space and provide enjoyment for years to come in the Sunshine State.

Tropex Handles it All

The professionals at Tropex make plant leasing easy. We will help you select your plants and then handle the installation, care, and maintenance of your plants for as long as you have them. You will never have to worry about ensuring that your plants look amazing because we make sure they do.

Call Tropex today to learn more about how green plants can make your business location more attractive to customers – and more successful!

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