Highlight Your Business with Outdoor Plants!

First impressions are critical – and for highly competitive businesses such as retailers and restaurants, that first impression begins on the sidewalk! As potential customers walk down the street, you need to grab their attention and establish your professionalism and quality before they ever decide to walk through your door. In this article, we examine some creative ways to utilize outdoor plants and green features to capture their attention and invite them into your business.

outdoor plants leasing

The research all agrees on the effect that plants and trees have on business objectives. In fact, it is estimated that the perceived value of real estate property increases by 11% when the building invests in plants. Better yet, a 2015 study revealed that retail products and services were considered to be up to 25% more valuable when natural elements were installed.

As we love to point out, green plants have been proven to reduce stress levels, improve air quality, and even elevate productivity – all positive benefits for your business.

Installing Outdoor Plants: 5 Ideas
plant leasing

  1. Showcase the Entrance with Planters: That all-important first impression is guaranteed to be positive when you frame the entrance to your building with beautiful commercial planters. Brilliant tropical flowering shrubs or tall palms can invoke feelings of hospitality, elegance, or luxury. Aside from the plants, the planters themselves add to the aesthetic and infuse color, interest, and style to your retail or commercial property. The outdoor plants and planters work together as living works of art that appeal visually and emotionally to potential customers.
  2. Beautify Sidewalks and Pathways: Commercial and business settings always look better when outdoor plants are added. You can boost the welcoming vibe by lining your walkways with green manicured bushes or small trees – or make a statement with oversized plants and eclectic containers. If you have a long building wall along a sidewalk, you can use plants to “guide” your customers along the sidewalk until they reach your door.
  3. Redefine the Parking Lot: The parking lot may not seem especially exciting, but you can extend your branding to this otherwise bland space by installing outdoor plants. Bright colors, stylish designs, and artistically inspired planters will elevate that first impression.
  4. Create a Natural Outdoor Oasis: The Sarasota area enjoys gorgeous weather year-round, and providing beautifully curated outdoor spaces will encourage customers to enter your business and spend some time there. While restaurants often understand the importance of an outdoor seating area, many retailers have yet to realize that lush, shaded outdoor seating areas will help boost sales. Not only will potential clients congregate, but you also provide a comfortable way for non-shoppers to relax while their loved ones spend time in your store. Benches or deck chairs surrounded by lush, tropical foliage deliver an atmosphere that is tough to compete with. Consider tall plants with large leaves, small trees, or living walls to create a cooler space.
  5. Don’t Forget the Illumination: When creating a welcoming vibe for your retail business or restaurant, outdoor lighting can showcase your outdoor plants and add irresistible ambiance. Simple Edison lights are warm and cozy, focused spotlights can direct attention to your signage or window displays, and vintage lamps hung throughout the planters will create a magical setting. The right lighting will elevate your property’s curb appeal and make your business attractive to people walking by.

Hire Plant Experts for the Best Results

Even if you understand the value of installing green living plants at your place of business, you may feel overwhelmed by the prospect. But there is no need to overthink it—the experts at Tropex will assess your site, listen to your requirements, goals, and budget, and design an outdoor space that customers will love. We will also maintain the plants and replace them when necessary. You literally have nothing to worry about (except accommodating the increased traffic to your establishment!) In fact, our plant leasing services are among the most established and trusted on the Gulf Coast.

Are you ready to learn more? Visit the Tropex website or call today.

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