Spotlight: Dieffenbachia Plants

When you decide to install a living green place at your place of business – whether a hotel, restaurant, or corporate office – you’ll need to do research in order to choose the right plants. You’ll need to understand the level of natural light each area receives. You’ll need to designate someone to care for these plants on an ongoing basis (hopefully someone who can keep your investment alive over the long term.) You’ll want to select plants that fit in well with your business and your brand, and you may even want to find plants that can create physical and sound barriers. If this all sounds overwhelming, there is good news. Plant leasing services do all the work for you – right down to selecting the exact plant varieties that thrive in your setting. One plant that you’ll see in our inventory is the Dieffenbachia – for good reason. This particular plant variety grows well in climate-controlled, humid, and well-lit settings typical of Florida buildings.

Dieffenbachia Tropic Snow (also commonly referred to as Dumb Cane, Leopard Lily, or Exotica) is coveted by plant enthusiasts because of its striking foliage and ease of upkeep.

The Dieffenbachia Plant’s Favorite Environment

When you work with a plant leasing company, they will ensure that every installed plant thrives in your specific environment. Dieffenbachia plants do well inside as long as there is bright but indirect sunlight. Direct sunlight can actually scorch the leaves and cause damage, so filtered or diffused light will be best—typically found near east—or west-facing windows.

Even in a theoretically ideal location, professional ongoing maintenance is required. Typically, Dieffenbachia Snow plants should receive between 6-8 hours of light per day. If the plant doesn’t receive enough light, it may possibly become leggy and lose its bright color. Conversely, if the plant receives too much light, the leaves may begin to turn brown, diminishing aesthetic value. Because your plant leasing partner will be onsite providing care and maintenance, they can identify any placement and lighting issues early on – and either relocate the plants or replace them with healthier specimens.

Dieffenbachia Thrive in Florida Climates

Dieffenbachia Snow plants are a tropical species and are most comfortable in warm and humid environments. This makes them ideal both for Florida, and for indoor settings. However, to avoid heat stress, it is vital to locate the plant away from direct sunlight and maintain a constant, appropriate temperature. Expert Tip: Placing a plant too close to air conditioning vents may inadvertently cause cold stress, which can cause discoloration and stunted growth.

It is critical to accommodate this plant’s humidity requirements. Dieffenbachia thrives in high humidity, ideally between 60% and 80%. If your Dieffenbachia snow is beginning to exhibit curling or drooping leaves, the humidity is likely too low. If fungal diseases or root rot are present, the humidity levels are too high.

Plant Leasing is Key

If you run a company, you have a wide range of expertise and knowledge regarding all aspects of your business. However, you might not have experience selecting, installing, or maintaining green plants or living walls. A plant leasing company specializes in those exact things, making a partnership with a company like Tropex a smart decision.

The team at Tropex is experts at assessing your site—from available light to temperature and humidity. We’ll evaluate your floor plan, discuss your needs, and then help you choose the most appropriate plants to fulfill those requirements. Whether for purely aesthetic reasons, to muffle noise between functional areas, or to market your brand, we’ll provide the expertise and ongoing maintenance you need.

Should you decide that the Dieffenbachia (or any other installed plant) no longer serves your needs, we will take it back and replace it with a new plant! It doesn’t get any easier than that. Call Tropex today to learn more about our plant leasing services for your business or event.

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